Wednesday 14 November 2012

cinta itu harus berkorban

"Today, I would say, I believe in Love after marriage.  I know, not everyone can get it. But you know, if you love someone, protect the 'love' . Protect the sweetness. If I could ever convince people how amazing it is to actually 'bercinta bagai nak rak.'' after married. it would be nice. I swear to Allah, Girls, protect your dignity,your heart and guys, please protect the girl you love. Please save your love story. Choose someone to marry, not someone for you to only walk around and be happy.  

If the 'Love' makes you become worse. Let it go. it's hard. Allah knows and He will replace someone better for you. If the Love makes your relationship with family or beloved people worse, turn to Allah for decision, Allah knows the best. If you're in dilemma what you want and what make things better. Have faith in Allah, He knows what you've done.He knows what you've sacrificed. Dan, cinta itu memang perlukan pengorbanan.

and one thing about this is that, Allah saves my heart for someone who deserves it. Allah saves me from facing another heartbroken and that's wonderful because I just can't bear with another heartbroken. Allah is Ar-Rahman & Ar-Rahim. I'm ordinary. I'm not perfect. Proudly to say, I'm 20 and I'm married. Responsibilities increased but 'LOVING' ITSELF IS 'RESPONSIBILTY.'

Someone who really loves you will show you they want you, will prove that they need you, will remind you they love you. Will put you in the list, " To be in heaven, together, forever."

Bila kah jodoh itu akan datang semua nya kerja yang maha Esa, Kita manusia cuma jangan berhenti berdoa dan percaya pada kuasa Allah.   Bagaimana Allah mampu ciptakan pelbagai perkara berlainan rupa,sifat & personaliti.begitu juga kebahagiaan. Jangan terlalu berfikir sesuatu di luar jangkaan,tapi jangan pernah putus asa pada Allah yang maha memberi kebahagiaan."

sumber: Kak Dena Bahrin, terima kasih :')