Saturday 2 January 2016


Happy New Year to everyone, happy 2016.

Alhamdulillah ya Allah, the year of thousand fifteen has been the most amazing thing that ever happened to me. there were soooo many beautiful stories that have came across my life and im truly grateful for that. 

what more can i ask for, 
having a wonderful husband and in laws that look after me so well.
having the family that stays with me through every best and worst.
had the warmest yet the loveliest wedding ceremony that i have been dreaming for.
had a super great honeymoon trip with an amazing man.
received news that we are becoming parents soon (SURPRISE!)
together with the love of my life on his postgraduate graduation.
have had so far the happiest moments in my life allll in 2015.

and 2016 is witnessing a much more greater happiness, insyaAllah.