Wednesday 28 May 2014

MPharm or MChem


tadi bukak email, pelik dapat dapat email dari Cardiff Univ Wales.


Thank you for your interest in studying here at Cardiff University. While you were unsuccessful in your application to study MPharm Pharmacy here at Cardiff University, I wanted to get in touch to highlight the merits of studying Chemistry at degree level as an alternative to MPharm Pharmacy.

Chemistry is an ideal degree for students who have an interest in Medicine, Dentistry, Biosciences or Pharmacy, but who have not been able to secure a place. Each year a sizeable cohort of our graduating Chemistry students go on to study one of these degrees. The degree utilises and builds upon the science knowledge you would have obtained at secondary school level, giving you an excellent basis from which to progress into one of these fields if you so wished to at that stage.

Chemistry is a great option because there are so many career pathways you could take using your chemistry degree, such as pharmaceuticals, materials, fuels, food technology, analytical testing, agriculture etc. These are all areas that chemists can research and work in. Other areas include teaching, accountancy, publishing and law just to name a few. With a chemistry degree, you do not have to wear a white coat and glasses for the rest of your career.

If this degree route attracts you then please get in touch with me, Dr Tom Tatchell (t******* and I will be very pleased to your options and the entry requirements you would need to meet.

If you do not have any offers from the universities that you applied to through UCAS and will be looking to enrol on a course via the clearing system, then you should aim to get in touch with me on +44 (0) **** ******. Then I will be able to discuss with you your options.

I'm more than happy to answer any questions that you may have and so feel free to get in touch.
Good luck with your exams.

 Kind regards,


bila dah baca habis email tu, lagilah terkejut.
patutnya dah tak dapat apa apa email dari Cardiff lagi sebab haritu apply Cardiff untuk MPharm, kena reject dari university.
sebab result tak okay kot.
lepastu tadi baca email, rupanya kena reject MPharm tapi diaorang nak offer MChem.
alahai. kimia lagi?
dah la tak berapa suka kimia. kenapa tak offer biology. huuu
mengharap sangat nak biology atau apa apa course relating Biosciences
sebenarnya boleh cakap. agak tekanan juga sebab pilih pharmacy hehe
kalau tau macam ni punya susah tak ada gatal nak pilih dulu
nak tukar course, tapi nak buat apa ye
kalau tahu macam ni dari dulu apply doctor terus walaupun susah tapi interesting nak belajar
pharmacy ni susah sama macam doctor and lagi boring dari doctor.
percayalah haha.
dengan statistics for scientist, dengan core principle of chemistry and macam macam
patut la before fly dulu Faiz (boyfriend kak miera) ada cakap.

"Kat buat pharmacy/pharmacology ni susah kot. dulu Faiz buat pharmacy satu semester je then switch buat medic. sekarang buat doctor ni lagi best dari pharmacy."

"eh tak susah ke doctor. pharmacy senang sikit kot kan."

"tak la. sama je susah je. rasa pharmacy macam susah lebih. banyak benda kena hafal especially drugs. semua benda doctor belajar tu pharmacist belajar jugak tapi korang tak boleh diagnose patient je. kitaorang boleh. korang penat sikit la, nak kena faham ubat dengan reactions dekat badan manusia. jangan jadi macam aku dah. awal dulu ok je sekarang serabut terus tukar doctor."

hm sekarang baru terfikir ada betul juga apa si Faiz ni cakap.
kenapa la dari awal dulu tak dengar cakap si Paih ni
haritu masa belajar dengan Kayi ada groupwork
dia tanya kenapa pilih pharmacy kenapa tak nak jadi nutritionist or dietetic

"I believe pharmacy is so much harder than medic. my aunty once told me that you will have to memorise lots of terms and drugs, to understand how the medicines react with body-systems and many more. pharmacy/pharmacology requires so much chemistry and formulae. unlike medicines, although it is a pretty tough course and kind of nervewrecking to learm but to be a doctor is so much interesting than being a pharmacist."

Kayi tu bakal nutriotionist
heheh saya ada personal konsultan dah. lepasni kalau ada problem relating pemakanan boleh mintak consultation dia
lepas borak dengan dia saya macam ala kenapa baru sekarang baru nak nampak pharm susah
then Aya pula message bagitau

"kak kalau tak suka chem jangan proceed. cikgu Ya cakap chem susah. kalau tak minat tak boleh buat. sebabtu aku nak tukar buat engineering. tak nak buat medic. pikir 10 kali nak buat ke kimia tu walaupun suka chem. tapi takut susah tak boleh buat."

"tu la. kak rasa macam tak nak buat. entah la takut tak boleh bawak. ya nak buat engineering kan. maths kena strong tau. ada mechanics, physics, chemistry (optional rasanya), further pure maths, engineering maths, statistics engineering. ha semua maths2 tau. Ya kena make sure course apa nak buat. after ada semua basic tu baru specialise nak mechanical, electrical, civil, chemical etc. tapi mechanics rasanya senang dari statistics scientist. kalau kak boleh buat, Ya mesti boleh buat."

"STATS? aku paling tak suka stats."

"hahhahaa. kak paling suka stats. dulu je rasa susah lepastu dah paham ni rasa lagi okay dari maths. kak buat stats 1 sampai 4. lagi susah kot. nak buat engineering ni maths kena kuat. jangan jadi macam kak rasa tak kena rasa nak tukar course. ingat senang ke nak patah balik or tukar2 course. pening"

"Ya taknak belajar la. esok kahwin"

hahahaha. entah apa apa je perangai.

macam mana nak buat ek. pening pikir
tapi bila fikir balik kena bersyukur sebab Cardiff tak offer buat subject humanities macam law, business and accounts & finance.
haritu macam dah tak kisah dah bila Cardiff reject application nak buat MPharm sebab Queens Belfast Ireland, Robert Gordon's Scotland, John Moores Liverpool, DeMonfort Leicester semua offer MPharm.
tak tahu pula rupanya Cardiff Univ reject sebab nak bagi buat MChem.
safra tengah dilema.
nak pilih mana ye?
MPharm ka MChem ka.
I dislike making decisons, so indecisive.
saya sempat bagitau mama papa cakap kak dapat offer dari Cardiff, Cardiff suruh buat MChem.
ma and pa cakap dah tak suka kimia tak payah la nak jadi chemists
nanti kerja tak best so safra cakap ok
rasanya nak balik Malaysia dulu kot baru bincang.
kalau sorang sorang buat keputusan macam tak best hehehe
takpe kot kan. tunggu kak balik Malaysia dulu.
nanti kita sama sama bincang ye ma and pa. banyak benda kena bincang balik nanti

MPharm or MChem?