Saturday, 28 February 2015

location: Joh Foster Bulding, Aldham Robarts Library, LJMU, Liverpool.

Monday, 23 February 2015

fish n chips

ESUS Class.

purpose: to explain why is it vital to link both topic sentence and concluding sentence together, in order to produce a good paragraph in an essay.

but it turns out like this:

"looking at the students' paragraphs, ive seen that they start quite well at the beginning but towards the end of the paragraph, they state something else instead.

it's like,
you start talking about fish, and finish it with chips." -Mr Dave Price-Williams

students: hahahahaahha
(lawaknye la cikgu ni)

it's fish & chips jokes, guys :D
#hungrynow #wegetyourpointsir