Thursday 1 January 2015

hello 2015

hari ini, 1 January 2015.
selamat tahun baru! hehe.
semoga tahun baru ini akan lebih bermakna untuk semua.
tapi hari ini telah witnessed saya nangis sebab rindu. tiada sambutan yang hebat macam fireworks atau lagu tahun baru untuk harini tapi air mata saya yang melimpah tahan sebak dan rindu. padahal baru je tadi saya hantar dia di train station. that feeling is just so 'wow' that i am able to miss someone so terribly, not even an hour after he left. jadi konklusinya, what a very tough first day of 2015. 

"miss you"
me: same here.
(i sound wayyy cooler here hahahaha. tapi hakikatnya. safra nangis banyak. dia pulak? tak nangis pun eeee. over betul safra ni nangis) 
this is how i say Hello to 2015.

selamat datang tahun baru 2015. although the first day wasn't really cool but i am very sure there are many exciting things are coming very (very) soon and later on. insyaAllah. 
oh and then and then, this is what i've got.

"savely home"
me: safely. not savely. zzz. 
"hahaha. saja je"

i miss you so much, you wonderful person. you are always thought of with respect, for i can't think of anyone as wonderful as you.